What’s New in PyQ 4.1

Date:Aug 30, 2017

Summary – Release highlights

  • Improved calling Python functions from q. - Objects of any type supported by K() can be returned. - Python functions can be called from multiple q threads.
  • Calls from Python to q will now release GIL allowing concurrent execution of q code from multiple threads.
  • Added a backtrace mode (requires kdb+ 3.5 or later) in which q stack trace is printed on q errors.
  • Experimental Windows support.
  • Performance improvements.

Return arbitrary objects from Python functions called from q

When a Python function is called from q, the returned Python objects are now automatically converted to q. Any type accepted by the K() constructor can be successfully converted. For example, the numpy.eye function returns a 2-D array with ones on the diagonal and zeros elsewhere. It can be called from q as follows:

q)p)import numpy
q)p)q.eye = numpy.eye
q)eye 3 4 1
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

Calling Python from peach

Python functions can now be safely called from multiple q threads. For example, the following session illustrates how peach distributes work between four threads:

$ q -s 4
q)p)import threading
q)p)q.tid = threading.get_ident
q){group (distinct x)?x} {tid()} peach til 19
0| 0 4 8 12 16
1| 1 5 9 13 17
2| 2 6 10 14 18
3| 3 7 11 15

Backtrace mode


Backtrace mode is available when PyQ is running under kdb+ version 3.5 or later.

To activate the backtrace mode, set the environment variable PYQ_BACKTRACE.

For example:

>>> q('f:{g[]};g:{1+`};f[]')
Traceback (most recent call last):
_k.error: ('type', k('((({1+`};2);("..g";"";-1;"{1+`}");2;5);(({g[]};2);("..f";"";-1;"{g[]}");1;4);..'))
kdb+ backtrace:
  [5]  g:{1+`}
  [4]  f:{g[]}
  [3]  f:{g[]};g:{1+`};f[]

Experimental Windows support

PyQ can now be compiled under Windows. We tested Python 3.6 build using VS 2015 and 2017 and 32-bit kdb+ 3.5. Details will be provided at Github.